Foxwoods Bingo
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Foxwoods Resort Casino
39 Norwich Westerly Road
Mashantucket, Connecticut 06338
3,600 seats
Regular matinee and evening games 7 days a week
Bingo times may change. Contact casino to confirm.
Doors open at 8am
Games begin at 10:30am
Doors open at 4pm
Games being at 6:30pm
Foxwoods Bingo Schedule 2021
Al Dente - Italian
Amy Ruth's - Southern/Soul Food
Ben & Jerry's - Shop - Ice Cream serves Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Branches at the Two Trees Inn - Barbecue
Carnegie Deli - Deli/Grill
Cedars Steakhouse - American
Festival Buffet - Buffet
Fox Harbour - Seafood
Garden Food Court - Food Court serves Lunch and Dinner
Golden Dragon Cafe - Chinese
Han Garden - Chinese
Hard Rock Cafe - Restaurant
High Stakes Cafe - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Nathan's Hotdogs - Fast Food
Pizza Plus - Fast Food - Pizza
Pizzeria Uno - Fast Food
Rainmaker Cafe
Salad Express - Fast Food
Sports Bar - Bar serves Lunch and Dinner
The Bistro - Californian
The Paragon Restaurant - American serves Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Veranda Cafe- Steak & Seafood
Foxwoods Resort Hotels
Accommodations at the resort total more than 1,400 guest rooms and suites.
Reservations 800-FOXWOOD
Grand Pequot Tower
Great Cedar Hotel
Two Trees Inn
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Most players - Most visits
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Have you been feeling very lucky lately? Consider making some bonus money by betting while playing video bingo at Foxwoods Resort and Casino in Ledyard, Connecticut. It is true that you will have to spend nearly double to play video bingo at Foxwoods than any other casino but the fun can be simply irresistible especially if you are really into it. The extra money that you spend will eventually be worth it because bingo-playing experience at Foxwoods is simply unparalleled. Here is how you can play video bingo at Foxwoods.
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Video bingo playing terminals at Foxwoods Casino sell out pretty quickly which is why you will have to get to the casino fairly early. Once you are there, line up to get your admission receipt. The video bingo line is at the far right corner outside the hall. Wait for your turn and pay when it comes, pay for the package that you want.
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The video bingo terminals can only be activated by entering a four digits Personal Identification Number (PIN) twice. You will have to choose the PIN at the counter. Make you choose a PIN that you can remember.
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Choose a free terminal inside the bingo hall. At Foxwoods, the hall is separated into two sections; smoking area which is dominant part of the hall and the non-smoking area which is lesser part of the hall. The non-smoking room is located at the left side of the bingo stage.
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At the video bingo terminal, tap the screen and enter the account number which should be written on your admission receipt. Then enter and confirm your PIN to activate the machine.
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In the terminal screen’s top section, you can choose to see the flash board, your three best cards or you can choose to see all of the cards at once. As for the terminal screen’s bottom section, the left corner lets you scroll through your best cards, a box at the centre display the prize amount along with the name of the game whereas the right corner shows you the last card you dabbed. You will also see a small text box at the extreme bottom of the screen’s right side corner. This is where the total number of called balls is displayed for a particular bingo game.
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To your right, there will be a button labelled ‘Bonanza Bingo’. Click that button. To allow you to pre-dab your cards, first forty numbers will be called before the game starts. You can see the count of remaining numbers and you can also cover all your cards by tapping on the balls.
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If you want to use additional options such as changing the background of your terminal’s screen or the dabber, simply click on the options button. You can also hide certain numbers and dab them later.
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Keep dabbing numbers as the game progresses until you achieve bingo or run out of numbers. You can dab a number that you missed earlier because it will stay up on the screen. You can dab the missed number after all the balls have been clicked on.
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If you want to go for a short walk, remember to lock your terminal so that no one else can use it or log you out of it. When you want to use the terminal again, unlock it by entering the four digits PIN.

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